Our objective is go to the homeless where they are in L.A., and reach out to them -- especially the run-away youth of the inner city and the low-income community. Our program is to incorporate the meeting of spiritual, physical and emotional needs of these youth and hurting people that we find out on the street. For their physical needs we provide nutrition, food, hygiene and emergency shelter. We also allow the Holy Spirit to meet their basic spiritual needs for their souls and healing for their bodies.
We help hurting individuals using drugs or alcohol by helping them to a more positive direction such as reconciliation with their families or entering a rehabilitation program or emergency shelter. Counseling is also applied to help ensure successful completion of a drug or alcohol program.
We serve everywhere there are hurting and open people from South Central to Hollywood and Venice Beach -- skate board parks to skid row -- anywhere and everywhere there are those who are helpless and hopeless to help and to supply His hope!
There's a weekly class on soul winning and discipleship at 10:30 every Saturday morning at Carl's Jr. on the corner of Manchester and Inglewood Boulevard in L.A.
Pastor Clayton and Robert Souder and team lead an outreach to Venice beach on Saturdays.
We have other outreaches throughout the year.