Pastor Rick Wright

You are coming to recognize the reason you were born. I planted my seed in your bloodline and you are coming forward at the end of this time to bring forth Christ in you, the hope of glory. All your trials, all your tribulations I am turning them all around, turning them into gold, the gold of the Morning Star arising in your heart. The gold of Jesus, the beauty of majesty, for I have made you with my own DNA...

Lisa Speakman

I feel the Holy Spirit. I feel the Father says, “I am forming something very beautiful within you and it’s been painful.” Many of you have wondered why it’s been so hard when others seem to have life a bit easier. For many of you it has been hard. But the Lord says, “Guard your heart for I am forming something very beautiful inside of you.”...

Pastor Rick Wright

We live in the time of the lukewarm Church where many churches have millions of dollars, but very little of it is really going to missions or to the poor. Very little of it is really going to the needy or to build churches. It’s like the Lord is saying: I have millions in Africa crying out for help. I have millions in South America crying out for help.

Gwen Shaw

But one of these days brother, God is going to give you a church.  And you will have a lighthouse the Lord says where you can open up the barns.  I see you having barns, barns, barns.  Where you can bring the people in.  You can preach to them in Chinese. You can preach to them in Korean...

Shawn Bolz

This is what I feel like for your church now.  I am just going to be a prophetic voice now.  I feel like the labor intensive side of your church is done.  And I feel like there is an inheriting side of the church.   I feel like you are going from pushing the out baby to nurturing what you have pushed out...

Chuck Pierce, at Harvest Rock

The states that He showed me would amaze you because you know you hear people all the time say, “You know we would all be better off if California fell off into the ocean”.  Well, that is not so.  I am here to tell you that if I am not here for anything else, God does not want you to fall off in the ocean.  Not in these next three years anyways...

Jill Austin

I had an open vision and saw a gambling casino covering the earth. There were global players who were playing for the world's resources (like gold, silver, oil, and water). There were nations that had no problem committing genocide on a whole nation for their gold mines...

Patrick Kitely

God is going to use this church to touch many people in this region.  There’s a message, a birthing, a release in this house for evangelism and influence of the Holy Spirit to touch the studios, to touch the stars in this area.  You’re a regional church. There are many cities that God wants you to impact.  There are many cities where you’re going to have great influence.  And God is going to use each and every one of you...

Tracy Wood

In a dream, the Lord spoke of the apostolic church-the Army and the Bride-which He’s bringing forth in this new season and which will continue to emerge in the coming years. Pastor Rick will enter more fully into his calling as an apostle and this will make way for all the five-fold ministries to come into place as apostolic teams...

Tom & Jane Hamon’s Prophecy for Rick & Pam

You’ll see a territorial release that you’ve asked Me for and not only will you have a base and there be an establishment of a place, but there’s going to be a launching pad that will send forth ballistic breakthroughs into the arenas I’ve called you to. There’s that which has been trying to confuse some things but I’m going to release a new intercessory force to clear it up...

Pastor Rick Wright

This is a year for closing the gaps. As Nehemiah labored to see the gates restored and the gaps in the wall surrounding Jerusalem rebuilt, so the Lord is seeking to close the gaps in our lives. They must be closed in three areas: our relationship with God, our relationships with others, and in every place we’re vulnerable and the enemy has an inroad...

Pam Wright

This is a year of faith and promise. The Lord will heal places of past disappointment and bring new things to birth. “A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice.” Is 42:3. We’ll look with faith at the harvest to come from even the smallest seed...

Doug Alexander

I heard the Spirit of God saying, "Operation Lift-off" is about to begin! Heaven is smiling today, even celebrating at this graduation and commencement ceremony this morning. The natural realm is speaking volumes of that which is transpiring in the spirit realm. The long season of obscurity at my school in the Spirit is coming to a close and the faculty of Heaven says: “Well done and congratulations graduates!”...

Cindy Jacobs

To Lou Engle: The Lord would say to you, My son, do you hear the cries of Hollywood? Do you hear the kids on the streets with broken dreams? And the Lord says, I am going to give you such favor that you cannot imagine. And you will convene My people, says the Lord. And I’m going to give you a grace for this, and they are going to come from all over the nation to Hollywood, says God...

Chuck Pierce

To Lou Engle: Go ahead and prepare the way now for the invasion of the wave of that generation that I’m rising up that will flood through the streets of this region. It will flood through the streets of Hollywood, says the Lord. I say to you, first of all there will be a documentary. I say it will be documented, that which I am doing. And this documentary will rise before the people of this land. I say it will begin to sweep throughout the land...