Shawn Bolz

This is what I feel like for your church now.  I am just going to be a prophetic voice now.  I feel like the labor intensive side of your church is done.  And I feel like there is an inheriting side of the church.   I feel like you are going from pushing the out baby to nurturing what you have pushed out.  I feel like you are going to be a sign that the birthing has happened.  I feel like something has happening.  I just see the labor intensive, that is what I see, it’s like I see the sweating, the pushing is done.  You are going to be able to come and show something that has been fully birthed to the land. 

And I feel like the Lord is saying that He is sending reinforcements and a recruitment agency.  I see this recruitment agency and it’s your young adults. I see this recruitment agency and it’s your young adults. And something is about to like in your church is about to shift that has been I see it is like a season of labor to a season of divine inheriting which means that people are going to, I know that I said that but I am going to say it again, because people are going to come here to inherit their promises.  People are going to come here to be around people who are inheriting.  

And I felt like just now I saw this thief on the finances for many years that’s like you’d get a step forward and then there would be a measure of stealing.   Get a step forward and then there would be a...  Weird, weird times of financial drain that is uncommon in churches. That is weird times of financial drain against this church.  And I feel like the Lord, something is going to shift.  I feel like I am supposed to prophesy.  The finances are going change in the day of famine.  The finances are going to change right now.  There is something that is switching over.  I feel like the Lord has captured something recently in intercession over finances.  Like something was declared.  Something was agreed to.  And it is like you may have prayed but something happened recently, does that make sense? It really happened.  So there is going to be a real breakthrough.  I feel like there is going to be a dedicated finances.  

I feel like it is going to be a re-envisioning.  Like Rick and Pam that you guys are going to be able to give forth a vision again.  And that people are going to be able to tie their hearts fully to the vision of what the Lord has called this place to.  In this season, like I see that there is a re-declaring, a re-declaring of purpose. There is a re-declaring of what God is doing in the land.  And it is going to cause a rally, it is going to set a rally point in the Spirit for multitudes to come and get re-envisioned for their own vision.  

Praise you Jesus. Wow.  Wow. 

And I brought you a little key, it is a little key.  And Paula Benning my good friend, she is one of my closest friends, and one of the things that she says is that little keys open great big doors.  And I felt like I was supposed to give you a key and I felt like it represented finances and I felt like it represented… it has a 24 and I never figured it out but I feel like it is prophetic.  And it says 24 on it and so I don’t know what that means.    But it feel like it represents like the provision but also locations, because I feel like you guys have labored here but part of the breakthrough is sometime within this year that you are going to start getting directed forwarded to a new place.  Like there is a new place coming. And there that there is going to be, I saw you guys getting launched out.  

Just launched out. And I feel like you are going to set so much hope in the body of Christ.  An order of hope is going to be set through this church.  I saw a divine order of hope being reinstalled into people’s lives.  And you are going to be a picture of the hope.  You will be able to proclaim it from living it out.  And your journey will be prophetic for the body of Christ.  I see writings about it.  I see like this writing anointing coming on many people in the church.  I see like volumes of books in the church.  I feel like there is like a bookshelf with books just from people in this church that are supposed to write.  And I feel like it is the journey of hope. 
It is the setting of the order of hope.  

So I give you this key as I stop my message today just representing that little keys open great big doors and that God has given you such a real key even though it has felt little at times that it is one of the biggest door openers there is.  So I give it just as a son in the land.  So God bless you.